Milestones and Timelines
Nexstellar embarked on its ambitious journey, laying its foundation with a groundbreaking memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region. This pivotal moment marked our foray into strategic consulting with a focus on solid waste management projects, setting the stage for our commitment to leveraging technology for societal benefits across the north-eastern states of India.
Recognizing the transformative potential of Industry 4.0 technologies, Nexstellar dedicated itself to making these advancements accessible and affordable for the MSME Sector. This period was characterized by intense research, development, and the implementation of solutions that bridged the technological divide, enabling smaller enterprises to innovate and compete on a level playing field. It also marked the development of the Monetari Platform for PPDC (Agra) and Nisarg Foundation, who implemented it to monitor and evaluate the SFURTI Scheme of Ministry of MSME Govt. of India.
Our journey took a significant leap forward as we began Development of our blockchain-based source tracing solution tailored for the MSME industries. This era of Nexstellar’s evolution was marked by our deep dive into strategic consulting for several key ministries, including the Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Tribal Welfare, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, and Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. Our efforts underscored our versatility and capability to navigate complex technological landscapes and deliver impactful solutions.
In collaboration with Phillips Machine Tools India, Nexstellar entered into an agreement to establish Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence at NSIC, Okhla. This strategic partnership is aimed at supporting the Startup Ecosystem and MSME Industry in India, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards fostering innovation and technological advancement within the country’s burgeoning sectors.
As Nexstellar continues to grow and evolve, our milestones extend beyond these highlighted achievements. Each project, partnership, and innovation adds to our rich tapestry of impacts, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to not just meet the needs of the present but to anticipate and shape the future. Our milestones are not just a reflection of our past but a beacon for our future direction. As we continue to innovate, collaborate, and transform the landscape of strategic consulting, we remain dedicated to our vision of creating sustainable, progressive impacts that resonate across societies, economies, and technological frontiers.